Be Advised:

BC 1 Call's role is to relay locate requests to its members. Anyone who submits a locate request to BC 1 Call must reach out directly to any unlisted public or private sector owner of underground infrastructure known to have, or suspected of having, assets within the community where the proposed dig site is located. (e.g. the relevant local and regional government, if not listed in the BC 1 Call Member List).

Oil & Gas

PKM Canada Marine Terminal Ltd. Partnership Inc.

Plateau Pipe line

Port Alice Gas Inc

Pouce Coupe Pipe Line

Prairie Provident Resources

Predator Oil Ltd

Procyon Energy Corporation

R360 Environmental Solutions Canada

Saturn Oil and Gas Inc.

Secure Energy Services Inc.

Shell Canada Energy

Shell Canada Products

Signalta Resources Limited

Sinopec Daylight Energy Ltd

Spectra Energy Transmission

Spoke Resources Ltd

Strathcona Resources 

Sukunka Natural Resources Inc
