
A geographic mapping system used by the BC 1 Call computer system to identify which members have buried facilities in a proposed dig site.


Anyone who disturbs the soil by either hand digging or with mechanical equipment.


Underground electrical and communications cables, conduits, gas, oil or other pipelines, waterlines, sewage pipes etc. - also referred to as infrastructure.

Ground disturbance

Any digging, blasting or cutting resulting in movement or disturbance to the ground.

Locate Request

A telephone call or online ticket placed by a registered BC 1 Call user (an excavator or planner) through the BC 1 Call system requesting information on the location of any buried facilities at or near a specific dig site.


A person or persons trained in the use of equipment and devices that can detect buried facilities.


An owner or operator of underground facilities who has registered their infrastructure with BC 1 Call for the purpose of being notified of excavation activity.

Site Plan

A drawing or sketch provided by a facility owner identifying the location of their underground facilities.

Ticket or Inbound Ticket

An internal description of the information provided by an excavator or planner sent to BC 1 Call members by e-mail requesting the identification of their underground facilities.

Notification or Outbound Ticket

The notification sent by BC 1 Call to a member of a Locate Request received for a worksite where the member has assets at risk.


Ticket #

A unique reference number given to a caller as confirmation of their locate request.


A person or organization planning to excavate who contacts BC 1 Call to request information on the location of any underground facilities.

User ID #

A unique number assigned to a BC 1 Call user (individual), including the person’s name, company affiliation and contact information. The User ID # can be quickly accessed within the BC 1 Call system by one of our CSRs to enable optimal service. A person that has been assigned a User ID # is a registered BC 1 Call user.


A tool presented to an excavator through the Locate Request process to draw the worksite boundaries on the map presented

Base and Overlay Maps

The base map presented to an excavator through the Locate Request Process.  The BC 1 Call System's clearest base map option is Google Hybrid, which includes satellite images of the areas (e.g. landmarks including roads, buildings, trees).  Overlay maps can be selected to add or alter details, including the Petroleum and Natural Gas Grid covering areas of Northern BC).

Map Search Criteria

The options presented to an excavator through the Locate Request process that will call up the location on the map so that the requester can then use the Polygon tool to delineate the worksite.  Search criteria include Legal Land Description, Civic or Street Address, and cross streets